Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Not Sure Where This Going

I an going to start a photo blog but my intent is not to post numerous photos just the ones I like. I am certain that none will recieve accolades from critics but that is not why I first picked up my first plastic camera from the Rexal drugstore on the avenue in Schofield when I was about 10 years old. Back then I would chase people around and snap away...I drove everyone crazy and still do; It is something I never get tired of. I do promise all of them will be random with no real pre-concieved plan intended.

Here goes. This is a trail not far from my house it  is along the Wisconsin River, I like going here because when I do I get the feeling I have gotten  away and no one knows where I am...which is likely true...and sometimes that is sort of nice.

This photo was taken last Fall